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Hygiene Tips Everyone Should Follow

Maintaining good hygiene is crucial, but amid the hustle of daily life, it’s easy to slip into unhealthy habits or overlook fundamental practices. Astonishingly, many individuals neglect handwashing after restroom visits or limit tooth brushing to once daily, neglecting these essential routines.

Recognizing the importance of hygiene, people turned to Reddit to offer valuable tips they believe more individuals should adopt. Their suggestions range from thoroughly cleaning often-overlooked surfaces to giving stud earrings a meticulous cleanse, ensuring a comprehensive approach to cleanliness. Now, the question arises: Are these hygiene tips merely common sense or perhaps an excessive level of caution? We invite you to share your thoughts in the comments below.

#1: Fragrance Isn’t a Fix

Let’s address something important: perfume isn’t a miracle replacement for good hygiene practices. While we all want to smell fresh as a daisy or like a sophisticated cologne, let’s be clear—perfume can’t replace regular hygiene. It might temporarily mask odors, but it’s not a lasting solution.

No matter how much you spray on that Chanel No. 5, if you’re skipping showers or neglecting deodorant, you’ll still be smelling less than pleasant. So, do yourself (and those around you) a favor by maintaining good hygiene habits. If you want to use perfume or cologne as a finishing touch, that’s fine, but don’t rely on it solely for freshness.

#2: Post-Coital Hygiene

Now, let’s discuss post-coital hygiene, a topic often avoided. There’s a crucial step you should never skip after intimacy: peeing. Yes, you heard me right.

Peeing after intercourse is essential for kidney health and can help prevent UTIs (urinary tract infections). It may not be the most glamorous part of the post-coital routine, but trust me, it’s worth it. It’s also a great excuse to spend extra time cuddling and chatting with your partner. So, let’s make a pact to always pee after and keep those kidneys happy and healthy.

#3: Tackle Oily Hair

Attention, folks with oily hair! Did you know that your hairbrush could be contributing to your greasy locks? That’s right; the buildup on your brush can transfer to your hair, leaving it dull and dirty. So, what’s the solution?

Give your hairbrush a thorough cleaning every week or two, depending on your hair’s oiliness. All you need is some warm water and a bit of shampoo. Start by removing any hair from the brush, then soak it in warm, soapy water for a few minutes. Use an old toothbrush to scrub away any remaining residue, rinse, and let it air dry. Not only will your hair look better, but your scalp will also thank you!

#4: Handwashing Knows No Gender

Gender disparities exist in many aspects of life, including personal cleanliness. Surprisingly, 15% of men admit to neglecting handwashing, while only 7% of women confess to the same oversight. Despite these differences, personal hygiene is universal.

We should all prioritize cleanliness for our well-being and the well-being of those around us. Regardless of gender, let’s figuratively join hands and embrace the simple yet crucial practice of handwashing. After all, good hygiene is a universal language we should all speak fluently.

#5: Clean Those Glasses

Wearing glasses means you have one more thing to clean and maintain regularly. If you’ve been neglecting your glasses frames and nose pads, it’s time to give them some attention. You might see clearly through the lenses but think about the bacteria and grime accumulating on your frames and nose pads. Not to mention, dirty glasses can lead to irritation and breakouts on your nose and cheeks.

So, grab a microfiber cloth and some mild soap or lens cleaner, and give your frames a thorough cleaning. Don’t forget to reach all the nooks and crannies, especially those tricky nose pads. Your face (and eyes) will thank you for the extra care. Plus, clean glasses make you look more put together—who wouldn’t want that?

#6: Desk Germ Hotspots

Imagine this: while we fret over the hygiene of public toilet seats, a hidden culprit thrives right under our noses, or rather, under our elbows. Prepare for a startling revelation—your seemingly innocent work desk, whether wood or metal, is a breeding ground for germs. It’s a staggering 400 times dirtier than a toilet seat. Astonishing, isn’t it?

While we go to great lengths to avoid touching public toilets like they’re hazardous, we casually rest our arms on desks that have evolved into bacterial playgrounds. It’s time to reclaim our desks and transform them into spaces that are as clean as they are productive. So, let’s unleash the cleaning supplies and fortify our workspaces with impeccable hygiene.

#7: Accept the Hint (and the Mint)

Ah, the age-old dilemma: to accept or decline the offered breath mint? Here’s the scoop, folks—if someone offers you a breath mint, just take it. Rest assured, they aren’t trying to be impolite or offensive. They simply hint that your breath may not be as fresh as a daisy.

It happens to the best of us, so there’s no need to take it personally. Besides, you might even enjoy the refreshing, minty flavor! So, when someone offers you a breath mint next time, flash a smile and graciously accept. Your mouth (and their noses) will appreciate it. After all, when it comes to hygiene, it’s always better to err on the side of caution, right?

#8: Banishing Washing Machine Odors

Ah, the delightful scent of laundry day…or is it? If you’ve detected a musty, old sock smell from your washing machine, it’s time to take action. The culprit? Moisture buildup inside the machine, leading to some seriously unpleasant laundry odors. The remedy? Ensure you leave the washing machine door ajar after each use to allow it to dry thoroughly.

This prevents any lingering moisture from causing that disagreeable odor. And if you’re feeling fancy, toss in a cup of white vinegar or baking soda during your next wash cycle to refresh things. Let’s make laundry day a more pleasant experience, shall we? Keep that washing machine door open and let fresh air work its magic.

#9: Under-Boob Deodorant Magic

Ladies (and gentlemen with a little extra chest hair), let’s discuss the unsung hero of the deodorant world: the under-boob/cleavage area. Yes, you heard me correctly. That trusty deodorant stick can work wonders in preventing sweat and odor buildup in the crevices of your chest. No one wants to walk around with a less-than-pleasant chest situation.

So, grab your favorite deodorant and apply it just as you would to your armpits. This ensures you stay fresh and dry while avoiding irritation or chafing in those sensitive areas. It’s a win-win situation, folks. Just thoroughly cleanse your chest area before applying to avoid any peculiar residue. Happy deodorizing!

#10: The Daily Shower Debate

In a recent interview, America Ferrera, co-star of the movie Barbie, admitted to her guilty pleasure of occasionally skipping daily showers. However, have you ever wondered about the potential consequences of not showering daily? It’s crucial to acknowledge that the impact can vary based on individual factors.

Your natural body odor, activity level, climate, and personal preferences may influence the effects of forgoing daily showers. Nevertheless, it can lead to body odor, the growth of bacteria and fungi, dirty skin, clogged pores, itching, hair and scalp issues, and an elevated risk of infections. Perhaps it’s time for America Ferrera to reconsider her habits.

#11: Equality in Desk Germs

Society often assumes that women are inherently neater and more organized than men. However, when it comes to the germ levels on work desks, an unexpected twist emerges—women’s desks harbor an astonishing 3-4 times more germs than their male colleagues. Yes, you read that correctly; it’s a surprising revelation. But let’s avoid rushing to conclusions or perpetuating stereotypes.

Germs don’t discriminate based on gender. Instead, this finding should serve as a reminder that cleanliness is a collective responsibility, irrespective of gender. So, let’s challenge the notion that women are automatically tidier and encourage everyone to prioritize hygiene. It’s time for all of us to take charge of our workspaces, maintain their germ-free status, and cultivate a healthier environment for everyone.

#12: Scrubbing Every Crevice

Listen closely, folks! We’re delving into some meticulous hygiene advice here. You might believe you’re maintaining squeaky cleanliness, but are you ignoring those overlooked areas, like behind your ears and deep within your belly button? I mean, a thorough cleaning. These spots are notorious for trapping dirt, sweat, and bacteria, potentially leading to unpleasant odors.

So, grab a washcloth and some soap, and get to scrubbing. Don’t hesitate to delve deep and give these areas extra tender loving care. And if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, you can even use a cotton swab to reach those challenging spots. Your earwax and belly button lint will appreciate the extra attention.

#13: Water Bottle Maintenance

We all adore our reusable water bottles and the eco-friendly feeling of making a difference, one sip at a time. However, let’s not overlook the importance of keeping those bottles clean. Consider this: you carry that bottle with you all day, and who knows what kinds of germs and bacteria are lurking inside?

Ensure you regularly wash your water bottle with hot, soapy water (or run it through the dishwasher if it’s safe). If you detect any unpleasant smells or tastes, it’s time for a deeper cleanse with some vinegar or baking soda. Not only will your water taste better, but you’ll also boost your immune system by preventing the accumulation of nasty bacteria. Keep sipping, friends!

#14: Leg Cleaning Resolution

So, the most practical approach is to invest in a small purse or wallet that you can easily carry around. Your breasts will appreciate it, as will the cashier, who won’t have to handle your sweaty cash. When it comes to maintaining the cleanliness of your money, it’s wiser to be cautious than sweaty.

Give your legs the care they deserve by thoroughly cleaning them in the shower. Trust me, your feet will thank you, and so will anyone who comes close enough to notice. Let’s make a pact to keep our legs clean; it’s not difficult, and your body (and nose) will thank you.

#16: Nail Hygiene Essentials

Attention all finger food enthusiasts! If you’re not using a nail brush, you might be missing a crucial step. Yes, it’s time to emphasize the importance of maintaining clean nails. Your nails act like tiny sponges, picking up dirt and germs wherever you go. And let’s not dwell on the food that can get trapped under there (apologies for the mental image).

But fret not; a nail brush is here to save the day. With just a few swipes, you can eliminate any unwelcome dirt and grime from your nails, leaving them fresh and clean for your next snack attack. So, if you haven’t been using a nail brush already, perhaps it’s time to start. Better late than never, right?

#17: Outsmart Communal Germs

Let’s address another major source of bacteria that often goes unnoticed: the dreaded communal faucet. We’ve all been in that situation—washing our hands in a public restroom, only to face the challenge of turning off the tap without contaminating our freshly cleaned hands. But fear not, a simple solution exists.

Use the same paper towel you used to dry your hands to turn off the tap. That’s right, there’s no need to compromise your hard-earned hygiene to the communal faucet gods. By employing the paper towel method, you can minimize your exposure to any unwanted germs or bacteria lurking on the faucet. So, the next time you encounter the dreaded communal tap, remember this handy tip from a Reddit user.

#18: Flossing Is Vital

Now that we’ve tackled the awkwardness, it’s time to address a vital hygiene aspect: flossing. It might not be the most thrilling part of your dental routine, but trust me, it’s crucial for maintaining those pearly whites in tip-top condition. Brushing alone won’t prevent cavities and gum disease, and according to dental hygienists, 90% of people aren’t flossing correctly (or at all).

If you’re uncertain about your flossing technique, don’t hesitate to ask your hygienist for guidance. It might feel like a chore initially, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll become a flossing pro in no time. And hey, consider the money you’ll save on dental bills by averting cavities and gum disease. Let’s commit to flossing our teeth diligently and keeping those chompers healthy and happy.

#19: Pampering Your Feet

Regarding personal hygiene, it’s safe to say that our feet are often the neglected stepchild of our routine. While we enjoy pampering ourselves with pedicures and foot massages, we overlook washing our feet. As this person points out, simply standing in soapy water won’t suffice.

To effectively eliminate bacteria and combat that unpleasant foot odor, you need to roll up your sleeves and scrub those toes and the soles of your feet. Don’t hesitate to bend over and give them a thorough cleaning. Trust me, it’s worth the effort. And if you’re feeling fancy, you can invest in a foot scrubber or exfoliating brush for added cleanliness. Let’s all start showing our feet some love and giving them the attention they deserve.

#20: Gym-Goer’s Hygiene

Ah, the pleasures of hitting the gym—the rush of adrenaline, the release of endorphins, and the not-so-pleasant aroma of sweaty workout attire. Even if you feel you haven’t broken a sweat, your workout clothes can still harbor funky smells. And let’s be honest, nobody wants to be the person with an unpleasant odor at the gym.

So, it’s time to take your gym hygiene seriously. Washing your hands and changing out your gym clothes immediately after your workout can help prevent the spread of germs and keep you feeling fresh and clean. Sure, the gym might already be a breeding ground for bacteria, but that doesn’t mean you have to contribute to it.

#21: Armpit Hygiene Matters

While discussing hair, let’s acknowledge that body hair is a personal choice, and there’s nothing wrong with embracing your natural self. However, if you decide to go hairless, there’s one area you should pay special attention to: the armpits. Yes, those little pits can become a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to serious odor issues.

Whether you choose shaving, waxing, or laser treatments, it’s important to give your armpits some extra care. Not into hair removal? No problem; pay extra attention to your underarms and apply some antiperspirant to keep unwanted odors in check. Remember, whether you’re hairy or hairless, a little love and attention can keep your armpits happy.

#22: Towel Maintenance

Let’s have a serious conversation about towels, folks. We all know they’re essential for drying off after a relaxing shower, but did you realize they can also become a haven for germs and bacteria? That’s right; if you’re not washing and drying your towels correctly, you could unintentionally transfer germs to your freshly cleaned skin. Nobody wants that!

Here’s a simple tip:

  1. Keep your towels clean and ensure they’re dried properly.
  2. If you plan to reuse a towel before washing it, make sure it’s completely dry to avoid any unpleasant surprises caused by dampness and germs.
  3. When washing your towels, opt for hot water and high-quality detergent to ensure thorough cleanliness

#23: Pillowcase Purity

Did you know that the average person sheds about 1.5 million skin cells every hour? That means your pillowcase can become a breeding ground for bacteria and other unsavory elements you don’t want to sleep on. So, how often should you wash your pillowcase?

Experts recommend washing it every week, or at the very least, every two weeks. This not only helps keep your face clean and clear but also extends the life of your pillow. Plus, who doesn’t love the sensation of freshly washed sheets? So, go ahead and toss that pillowcase in the wash; your skin (and your nose) will thank you.

#24: Proper Glove Use

As a food service worker, wearing gloves is a vital part of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene. However, it’s important to clarify one thing: gloves are not magical shields that repel germs. While they protect your hands from direct contact with raw ingredients and other contaminants, they can also become a breeding ground for bacteria if not used correctly.

As a food service worker, it’s essential to follow proper glove hygiene protocols to ensure food safety. Regularly changing gloves, washing hands before wearing gloves, and avoiding cross-contamination are crucial to uphold.

#25: Floss for Freshness

Here’s a challenge inspired by a Reddit user’s tip: Try flossing once and then smell the used floss. Yes, that smells of all the debris and bacteria hiding between your teeth. Quite unpleasant, isn’t it? But fear not; with a little effort, you can banish that smell for good.

By consistently flossing for just one week, you’ll notice a significant improvement in the smell of your used floss. Not only will your mouth feel fresher, but you’ll also be doing your oral hygiene a huge favor. So, don’t hesitate to give your teeth a thorough cleaning. Your mouth, your nose, and your dentist will appreciate it.

#26: Keep Your Money Fresh

Honestly, I never thought many people did this, but if someone felt the need to share this tip, it must be more common than we think. I mean, this advice does make sense. Money is already teeming with germs without adding your sweat to the mix. Trust me, no one wants to handle sweaty bills that have been nestled in your cleavage all day.

So, it might be a good idea to invest in a cute little purse or wallet that you can easily carry around. Your breasts will thank you, and so will the cashier who doesn’t have to touch your perspiration-soaked cash. Remember, when it comes to keeping your money clean, it’s better to be safe than sweaty.

#27: Armpit Grooming for Men

Listen up, gentlemen. I understand the thought of shaving your armpits might make you cringe, but hear me out. Not only can it give you the appearance of a Greek God (well, maybe not guaranteed), but it can help keep you smelling fresh throughout the day. Less hair means less sweat, which translates to less odor. It’s simple science, folks.

And let’s face it, nobody wants to be the guy with an unpleasant underarm odor. So grab your razor and get to work because a little grooming can go a long way in the battle against body odor. If you’re concerned about looking too pretty, just remember that real men shave their armpits, and good hygiene isn’t a sign of weakness. Plus, you’ll save a pretty penny on deodorant.

#28: The Life-Saving Power of Handwashing

Most people might not realize it, but a simple act like handwashing can have a profound impact on our lives. There’s a hidden potential for saving lives in this seemingly ordinary practice. Research shows that if everyone consistently practiced handwashing, an astonishing one million deaths per year could be prevented. It sounds incredible, doesn’t it?

A million lives could be spared, all thanks to the power of clean hands. No matter how small, our actions can collectively create a massive positive impact on public health. We can contribute to a healthier and safer world by embracing this simple act. Let’s seize this opportunity to protect ourselves and those around us as we tap into the potential to make a meaningful difference, one handwash at a time.

#29: Nail Clipping Etiquette

Here’s a hygiene tip circulating on Reddit recently: trim your nails! Unless you’re some kind of guitar virtuoso shredding your way to rock stardom, there’s no excuse for walking around with sharp claws. It’s not only unsightly (and possibly a dealbreaker for anyone who catches a glimpse of your nails), but it’s also just plain unhygienic.

Consider this: all sorts of dirt and grime can accumulate beneath our nails, and it’s not easy to clean them thoroughly. So, if you fall into this category (no judgment here), do yourself a favor and grab some nail clippers, pronto. Your fingers – and anyone who has to shake hands with you – will greatly appreciate it.

#30: Say No to Stagnant Laundry

If you’ve ever left your laundry sitting in the machine for more than a day – and let’s be honest, we’ve all done it at some point – you might want to pay attention. Leaving your clothes to soak in stagnant water can create a breeding ground for mold and bacteria, leaving your garments smelling like a wet dog’s armpit.

Trust me, nobody wants to be the person who clears a room with their foul odor. So, do yourself and everyone else a favor by giving your clothes a quick spin in the wash before drying them. Smelling like a damp mutt might work for our four-legged friends, but it’s not a good look for us humans.

#31: Wart Cover-Up

Here’s a crucial hygiene tip: always cover up warts. If you have a wart, please do yourself and others a favor by concealing it with a Band-Aid or something similar. Leaving it exposed is not only inconsiderate but also how warts spread to other people. Let’s face it; no one wants to be the cause of someone else developing an unsightly foot wart.

Trust me, warts are not a pretty sight. So, whether you’re at the pool or walking barefoot in the grass, make sure you’ve got that wart properly covered. It’s a small step that can make a significant difference in preventing the spread of these pesky little buggers. Let’s all take responsibility and keep our warts to ourselves, shall we?

#32: Embrace the Bidet

Let me introduce you to something revolutionary in hygiene: the bidet. It’s a game-changer, folks. You see, relying solely on toilet paper can leave behind, well, residue, if you catch my drift. But with a bidet, you can achieve a thorough and refreshing clean without needing a single piece of toilet paper.

Not only does it offer a superior cleaning experience, but it’s also an eco-friendly option compared to constantly buying and disposing of toilet paper rolls. So, next time you’re answering nature’s call, consider giving the bidet a try (if you have access to one). Who knows, you might become a bidet enthusiast and wonder how you ever lived without it.

#33: Flushing Etiquette

This is something that everyone should be aware of, yet a surprising number of people overlook it. While we’ve all been taught to flush the toilet after using it, here’s a pro tip: close the lid before you flush. Why, you ask? Well, when you flush with the lid open, it can disperse all sorts of unpleasant particles (think fecal matter, urine, and germs) into the air and onto nearby surfaces.

Pretty gross, right? By closing the lid before flushing, you contain those particles and prevent them from contaminating the rest of the bathroom. Not only is it a matter of good hygiene, but it’s also common courtesy. So, let’s all commit to closing the lid and maintaining a clean and germ-free bathroom. Your roommates, family members, and guests will appreciate it.

#34: The Dirty Phone

Alright, it’s time to address the filthiest item in your life that you probably rarely think about (or maybe you do): your phone. That little device you carry everywhere is a breeding ground for bacteria and germs, and let’s be honest, it’s usually pretty grimy. Consider all the times you’ve taken it into the bathroom, placed it on a dirty surface, or even let a friend use it.

Quite cringe-worthy, right? Fortunately, there’s a solution. Make it a habit to regularly clean and disinfect your phone using a microfiber cloth and some rubbing alcohol or disinfectant wipes. If you want to go the extra mile, invest in a UV phone sanitizer to eliminate all those germs. Trust me, your friends (and immune system) will thank you for having a pristine phone.

#35: Handwashing: Not as Obvious as You Think

You might assume that this next tip is as obvious as it gets, but you’d be surprised to discover how many people neglect to wash their hands after using the restroom. Seriously, it’s not a complex task. Do we need to explain why this is crucial? Your hands become a breeding ground for all sorts of germs and bacteria after restroom use, and not washing them is simply inviting trouble.

Furthermore, consider all the other surfaces you touch throughout the day (doorknobs, phones, keyboards, coins, etc.). Do you want to be spreading all that nastiness around? Handwashing is the only way to keep those germs at bay. So, let’s all remember this basic hygiene practice and ensure we maintain clean and safe hands.

#36: Armpit Scrubbing

Ah, the classic case of “out of sight, out of mind” – until you realize you’ve been walking around with a giant blackhead under your arm. Yikes. Trust us, it’s not a good look. So, for all you deodorant-wearing folks out there (which should be everyone), pay attention: it’s time to start giving those armpits a thorough scrub.

Sure, deodorant is fantastic for keeping you fresh and sweat-free throughout the day, but allowing it to build up can lead to some serious skincare issues. So, the next time you step into the shower, take a few extra seconds to give your underarms a good scrubbing. Your pores will thank you, and you’ll be able to raise your arms with confidence.

#37: Freshening Up Your Home

The sweet scent of fresh air – there’s nothing quite like it, especially when it comes to your home. Sure, it’s tempting to seal the windows and crank up the AC, but that can result in some serious mustiness. And let’s be honest, no one wants to live in a musty-smelling house. Unless, of course, you’re Dracula.

So, if you’re aiming to give your home a breath of fresh air (literally), it’s time to embrace the power of ventilation. Cracking open a window or two can work wonders for your home’s air quality and freshness. Plus, it’s a natural and cost-effective way to enhance your indoor environment. So, the next time you catch a whiff of mustiness, don’t reach for the air freshener – just open a window and let the fresh air work its magic.

#38: Tackling Bad Breath

Bad breath can truly put a damper on things, whether you’re trying to make a good impression on a hot date or simply engaging in a chat with your coworkers. But fear not my friends – there are ways to combat this pesky problem. It turns out that your tongue can harbor a significant amount of bacteria, so it’s essential to give it a thorough cleaning (with a toothbrush or tongue scraper) to keep those germs in check.

Additionally, if you’re taking medication that tends to dry out your mouth, using a mouth rinse can help maintain moisture and prevent bad breath. And let’s not forget the importance of staying hydrated – drinking plenty of water can help flush out any lingering bacteria and keep your mouth fresh and clean.

#39: No Shoes Indoors

We’ve all heard the age-old rule about removing your shoes when entering someone’s home, right? Well, there’s solid science behind that nugget of etiquette. According to this Reddit user, wearing your outdoor shoes indoors can track in all sorts of unpleasant stuff – think dirt, bacteria, and who knows what else – that can seriously impact your indoor air quality.

Not to mention, it’s just plain impolite to traipse around someone’s living space with muddy, dirty shoes on. This rule should also apply to your own home. After all, who wants to wear outdoor shoes indoors anyway? It’s far from comfortable! That’s precisely what house slippers are designed for.

#40: Hands Off Your Face

According to this Reddit user, one of the most effective actions you can take for your hygiene is to adopt a strict “hands-off” policy when it comes to your face. And no, we’re not talking about the occasional nose-pick or eye rub (though those are pretty unsavory, too). We mean genuinely committing to keeping your hands away from your face, especially when you’re out and about.

Why, you ask? Well, for starters, your hands are teeming with germs and bacteria that can effortlessly transfer to your eyes, nose, and mouth – which nobody wants. Additionally, if you’re prone to breakouts or skin irritation, touching your face can exacerbate these issues. So, the next time you feel the urge to scratch that itch or adjust your glasses, just remember: your face will thank you for letting it be.

#41: Kick the Nail-Biting Habit

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for some tough love: please, for the love of hygiene, put an end to nail-biting! Did you know that nail biting is not only unattractive and unhygienic, but it can also lead to various health problems? This bad habit can result in nasty infections, not to mention potential damage to your teeth and gums.

And if that’s not a compelling enough reason, consider this: each time you put your fingers in your mouth, you’re spreading germs from your saliva and introducing various external germs into your body. Full disclosure: I, too, am occasionally guilty of nail-biting, but I’m well aware of how unsavory it is, and I’m actively trying to quit. How about we all, fellow nail-biters, make a pact to kick this habit to the curb?

#42: Your Car Reflects You

We’ve delved into discussions about nearly every aspect of our bodies and homes, so now it’s time to turn our attention to our cars. Admittedly, we all get a little busy at times and let things slide, which is entirely normal. However, as this person aptly points out, the cleanliness of your car directly mirrors your personal hygiene and overall level of organization. Surprisingly, studies have indicated that a dirty car, much like a dirty house, can increase stress and hinder productivity – quite the wake-up call!

So, the next time you’re tempted to toss that fast-food wrapper on the floor or let those old Starbucks cups accumulate in the cupholders, remember this: your car serves as an extension of yourself, broadcasting to the world all they need to know about you. Moreover, who doesn’t relish cruising around in a clean, fresh-smelling vehicle? Trust me, it’s a game-changer! Given how much time we spend in our cars, why not treat them with respect?

#43: Coffee Lover’s Breath

As a fellow coffee enthusiast, I’d like to make a small request: please start carrying some breath fresheners with you. I mean, there’s nothing worse than trying to engage in a conversation with someone who’s been indulging in cup after cup of coffee, only to be assaulted by that stale, coffee-scented breath.

Furthermore, did you know that coffee breath can linger for hours, even after brushing your teeth? We’re not suggesting you give up coffee altogether! But if you’re prone to coffee breath, remember to keep some mints or gum handy in your pocket. Your friends, coworkers, and anyone else subjected to your breath will genuinely appreciate it.

#44: Front to Back Hygiene

Ladies, this next tip is crucial, so pay close attention: when washing your private area, always remember to go from front to back. It may sound like a simple reminder, but trust me, it’s paramount.

Wiping from back to front can lead to a dreaded urinary tract infection (UTI), and we’ve all experienced the discomfort of one before – something we’d all prefer to avoid. Whether you’re using fancy soap or just plain water, ensure you’re going in the correct direction. Your intimate areas will thank you, and so will your bladder. So, remember: front to back, and you’ll be on the right track.

#45: Cutting Board Caution

It might not come as a shock, but it appears that your cutting board can be more dangerous than a pack of hungry piranhas! According to this microbiologist, our cutting boards can serve as the ideal breeding grounds for bacteria. If you’ve been using the same board for years, and it looks like it’s been through a culinary war, it’s probably time to bid it farewell.

Those imperfections on the board’s surface are perfect hiding spots for bacteria, and no matter how much you scrub, they’re not going anywhere. In fact, they’ll continue to multiply until you have a full-blown bacterial party on your hands (or, rather, in your food). So, if you want to steer clear of a nasty case of foodborne illness, pay close attention to the condition of your cutting board and retire it when it starts to resemble a mini Grand Canyon. After all, we’re advised to replace our toothbrushes every three months or so, so maybe the same rule should apply to cutting boards.

#46: Periodic Hygiene

We understand that periods are far from enjoyable. However, just because our bodies are going through a challenging time doesn’t mean we should neglect our hygiene. Especially during that time of the month, it’s crucial to pay attention to our hygiene habits. Daily showers are a no-brainer, but during your period, skipping a shower should be out of the question.

In the summertime, consider showering twice a day because, let’s face it, it gets hot out there, and things can get a little uncomfortable down there. We’re not suggesting you need to be the cleanest person in the world, but a little soap and water can go a long way in maintaining freshness and cleanliness.

#47: Keep Personal Grooming Private

Living with others can indeed be challenging, especially when it comes to personal hygiene. To maintain harmony in shared living spaces, it’s important to follow a simple rule: keep your grooming activities to yourself. This means refraining from clipping your nails in the living room, brushing your hair in the kitchen, or, most definitely, flossing at the dinner table (ew, indeed).

Instead, reserve your personal grooming activities for the privacy of your bedroom or, better yet, the bathroom. Not only will this prevent your housemates from being grossed out, but it’s also a matter of common courtesy. After all, nobody wants to witness toenail clippings flying across the room or hair clogging up the sink. So, be considerate and keep your grooming activities private. Your roommates (and your floors) will undoubtedly appreciate it.

#48: Earring Cleaning Essentials

Let’s discuss a commonly overlooked hygiene tip – cleaning your stud earrings! These tiny accessories are often worn daily and can accumulate unpleasant odors over time. Perhaps you’ve noticed this when removing or replacing your earrings. It’s a natural occurrence, but there’s a simple solution.

Take a moment once a week to clean your stud earrings with rubbing alcohol, which you can easily find at your local drugstore. This quick cleaning routine will not only keep your studs fresh and clean but also help prevent unwanted ear infections or irritation. So, don’t hesitate to show your students some love and give them the cleaning they deserve!

#49: Don’t Overlook Surfaces

Another frequently overlooked aspect of hygiene is cleaning those often-forgotten surfaces that your hands come into contact with regularly. I’m talking about every surface, even the ones that might make you cringe just thinking about them – like the underside of your toilet seat and lid. I know it’s not the most glamorous task, but trust me, it’s important!

Consider this: you wash your hands regularly, but if the surfaces you touch are covered in germs and bacteria, your efforts are somewhat in vain. So, put on some gloves, grab your preferred cleaning solution, and tackle those surfaces. Don’t worry; you don’t have to share this task with anyone else – it can be our little secret. A clean home is a happy home, and a clean toilet is a happy tushy.

#50: Quick Hygiene Fixes

We all have those days when time is in short supply and hygiene routines are rushed. In such situations, remember this golden rule – if something is worth doing, it’s worth half-assing. That’s right, even if you’re running late and need to be out the door in a hurry, it’s still worthwhile to spend ten seconds giving your teeth a quick scrub instead of skipping it entirely.

Trust me, both your breath and your dentist will thank you. If you’re feeling extra fancy, you can even use mouthwash as a quick fix. Just swish, spit, and go! Don’t let a busy schedule compromise your hygiene. Remember, half-assing is better than no-assing. Now, it’s time to tackle that to-do list – even if it’s done with a little less passing.

#51: Fresh Pits All Day

Let’s unravel one of life’s great mysteries – how to keep your underarms smelling fresh and clean throughout the day. According to this Reddit user, the secret lies in applying deodorant immediately after drying off from your shower. This means that the magic happens when you apply antiperspirant to completely dry skin, free from sweat and oils.

But what if you’re in a hurry and don’t have time for a full shower? Fear not – this person also suggests using wet wipes and then drying off any area you plan to apply deodorant to. It’s like a mini, low-budget shower for your sensitive areas in case of an emergency! So, the next time you’re feeling less than fresh, remember that a little deodorant and a touch of self-care can work wonders.

#52: Ingrown Hair Prevention

Dealing with body hair removal can be quite a chore, but it doesn’t have to be painful, too. Ingrown hairs can be especially annoying for those who prefer smooth, hair-free skin. That’s why it’s essential to exfoliate before any hair removal method, no matter if you’re shaving, waxing, or using other techniques.

Additionally, don’t forget to exfoliate after hair removal as well. This helps prevent those pesky ingrown hairs from making an appearance and spoiling your silky-smooth skin. So, the next time you’re preparing to bid farewell to unwanted hair, keep in mind that a little exfoliation goes a long way in maintaining healthy, happy skin. And if all else fails, embracing your natural fuzz can be a confident choice, too.

#53: Wait an Hour After Brushing

Are you in the habit of gulping down your morning coffee or soda immediately after brushing your teeth? Well, it might be time to break that routine. As tempting as it may be, consuming any liquid, including water, right after brushing your teeth can potentially do more harm than good. Here’s why: toothpaste contains fluoride, which helps protect your teeth from decay but can also temporarily soften the enamel.

Drinking liquids immediately after brushing can wash away the fluoride and leave your enamel temporarily weakened, making your teeth more vulnerable to damage. So, next time you’re tempted to enjoy your favorite beverage right after brushing, exercise a bit of patience and wait an hour. It might seem like a long time, but it’s a small sacrifice for maintaining a healthy and strong smile. In the meantime, you can use that hour for other activities, such as catching up on reading or enjoying some quiet time.

#54: Quick Neck Hair Trim

Here’s a hygiene tip particularly relevant to the gentlemen heading out on a date when time is of the essence – trimming the hair on the back of your neck can significantly improve your appearance. Not only does it offer a tidy and groomed look, but it can also make you appear less disheveled, especially if you have dark hair. The best part? It’s a quick and straightforward task.

Just grab a pair of scissors or a trimmer, and give yourself a quick neck hair trim. You don’t need to be a professional barber; just aim for a neat and tidy appearance. Trust me, your date will appreciate the effort, and you’ll feel more confident knowing you look your best. So, go ahead and give yourself a quick trim, gentlemen!

#55: Phone Hygiene

Our smartphones are the trusty companions we carry around with us all day, every day. However, have you ever paused to consider just how many germs could be lurking on that little device? From bathroom trips to coughing fits our phones can become a breeding ground for bacteria. It’s time to start giving them the TLC they deserve.

Wiping down your phone with alcohol or a disinfectant wipe on a daily basis can help keep those germs at bay and prevent them from finding their way into your system (and your face). While it may seem a bit tedious, dedicating a few seconds to cleaning your phone can go a long way in keeping you healthy and germ-free. Plus, it’s always pleasant to have a clean and shiny phone to show off to your friends.

#56: Eco-Friendly Laundry

Are you tired of purchasing those waxy pellets that promise to infuse your laundry with an extra “boost” of clean fragrance? It might be time to bid farewell to these wasteful, petrochemical-filled plastics and say hello to a more eco-friendly approach to doing your laundry. These pellets not only contribute to our overflowing landfills but can also have adverse effects on our environment and health.

Instead of relying on these questionable products, why not explore all-natural alternatives? Adding a few drops of essential oils to your laundry or using fragrance-free detergent and fabric softener can still impart a fresh and clean scent to your clothes without harming the planet. As pointed out by this Reddit user, it’s time to abandon the pellets and embrace a more sustainable way of doing your laundry!

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