#18: Flossing Is Vital
Now that we’ve tackled the awkwardness, it’s time to address a vital hygiene aspect: flossing. It might not be the most thrilling part of your dental routine, but trust me, it’s crucial for maintaining those pearly whites in tip-top condition. Brushing alone won’t prevent cavities and gum disease, and according to dental hygienists, 90% of people aren’t flossing correctly (or at all).
If you’re uncertain about your flossing technique, don’t hesitate to ask your hygienist for guidance. It might feel like a chore initially, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll become a flossing pro in no time. And hey, consider the money you’ll save on dental bills by averting cavities and gum disease. Let’s commit to flossing our teeth diligently and keeping those chompers healthy and happy.