#1: Food Glorious Food
To start with, there’s something that we can all probably agree on – McDonald’s food is not good. According to a recent study, the average McDonald’s meal contains enough calories to power a small city for a week. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the point!
There’s also the excessive sodium levels, which could probably raise the Dead Sea a few inches. There is no denying that the way people relate to going out for a meal these days is certainly different from how it once was. You know what they say: if you didn’t take a picture, then it didn’t happen…
#2: Time-Wasting
Oh boy, have time-wasting activities come a long way since the 1960s. Back then, you had to get creative if you wanted to waste time. Maybe you’d play solitaire with a deck of cards or stare at a lava lamp for a few hours. But now, with the internet at our fingertips, the possibilities for procrastination are endless.
Of course, we still have the classics like daydreaming and staring off into space, but why do that when you could be playing Candy Crush on your phone? It’s amazing how far we’ve come in our abilities. Now, if only there were a way to monetize all of this wasted time…