Outsmarting McDonald’s
I never quite understood how more people didn’t take advantage of fast-food refills since they’re not very well monitored. For most of my life, I thought people were being genuinely honest, but I guess this was never quite the case. This person came up with a genius hack to get McDonald’s refills whenever they want, and I’m lowkey jealous I didn’t think about this first (J.K. – I would never 😉 ).
It’s a reasonable assessment to state that McDonald’s may not hold the title for being the most meticulously maintained establishment worldwide; its workers, who are undoubtedly underpaid, likely possess little interest in monitoring whether patrons are exploiting the refill policy or not. Nevertheless, this individual merits commendation for boldly executing this scheme for weeks on end without facing detection. The sheer audacity required to carry out such an act is noteworthy, especially considering that my own anxiety levels would absolutely prohibit me from attempting anything remotely similar. The ability to maintain such a ruse without arousing suspicion or drawing undue attention is a testament to both nerve and stealth, attributes that many of us can only wish to possess in scenarios that test our resolve and cunning.